The head of the state is the king (nowdays Felipe VI) who is the highest representation of the spanish state and it is in charge of represent us in international relationships. The crown is inherited from fathers to sons to the firstborn son.
Political organization is divided into legislative power, executive power and judicial power. The executive power is held by the president of the government, whose labor is to manage the political actions with the ministers.
The legislative power is formed by Congreso de los diputados and Senado, it´s main function is the law creation and the goverment control.
The judicial power duty its to judge and execute what has been judged. It is formed by different courts and tribunals under the dependance of the consejo general del poder judicial. El tribunal supremo its the supreme judicial power; there is also the tribunal constitucional in charge of ensure laws and public administrative actions, it is the maximum interpreter of the spanish constitution.
Regarding the organization of territories, the state is divided into municipalities, provinces and autonomous communities. All these bodies have self-goverments in order to achieve their own interests.
Talking about religion, it is recognized as a fundamental right in the constitution to have religious freedom. As a result, Spain is considered as a secular state.
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