viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017


1.This is an extract from a letter to the English government which gives details about the progress of the Armada.
 -How useful do you think this information would be to the English government?
     I believe this information is really useful because it gives what seems to me as crucial information       because it tells about the number of soldiers and leaders giving English army the opportunity to           prepare for a determined amount of men.

 -Why there more soldiers than sailors?
     Because they needed more people to fight than just to sail and leave the ship there.

2.This is a report from lord Howard of Effingham, the Admiranl of the Eglish fleet. 
 -How do you think the news that the Spanish Armada had been sighted was able to reach Lord Howard so quickly when he was at Plymouth, over hundred miles away?
It was important because as soon as they knew how and when attack, the better.

-Why do you think Howard complained to Walsingham about the wind?
I think it was because they consider it as the ``help´´ spanish had to reach the coast faster.

-Howard says that the Spanish fleet was `soe strong´. What made it strong?
Because of the quantity and the quality of the ships.

4.An extract from a Spanish captain´s account of the events. He had survived after being shipwrecked on the Irish coast and was then interrogated by the English, but eventually returned home to Spain.
-The Spanish Armada fought the English fleet for two days without losing any ships What happened next that changed this?
The mast of a ship was broken because of a shot so they lost it.

-Why was it a good thing that the Spanish plans were stopped?
Because they were losing no ships and England attacked, they fouhgt fiercely and Spanish were forced to return home, Spain. However, a great storm surprised them near to Norway, taking with it the lifes of some soldiers. This way, English weren´t invaded.

-If you could change one thing to give the Spanish a better chance of winning what would it be and why?
In my opinion, I think they should have stayed, or at least hadn´t gone that early in order to evict the storm, by doing this it was more likely for Spanish to conquer England.

-The English celebrated their victory with a medal saying `God blew and they were scattered´- how would the Spanish have explained their defeat?
They probably led the responsability to the poor organization of their superiors but mainly to the horrible climatological conditions.

6.Explain in a short paragraph why many people thought that God had helped the English defeat the Spanish Armada.
As it has something to do with religion changes, people thought that the wind that moved Spanish fleet northwards was God job whose intention was leading English army to victory.

jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017


1-Hi, my name is Alejandra and I´m going to be your interviewer today, what´s your name?
 Hello, my name is Aribah and I am 27 years old.

2-Tell us something about your previous life.
Well, firstly, I have a husband called Kamil, and two little kids whose names are Munir and Suud; they are 7 and 9 years each.

3-Where did you lived and how did you earned money?
I lived in Valencia like most of the moriscos including myself and a lot of generations before me, my husband worked as a doctor but I didn't, I was dedicated to take care of our children, going to the market, keep our home decent etc. We survived with Kamil´s earnings, then he had to change of job because christians decided to disolve some guilds and he started to work in the countryside.

4-How long have you been living in Spain?
That´s easy to answer, I have been living here since I was born as well as my husband, moreover my family has been also living here for several generations. That is one of the causes why we are so bewildered.

5-What were your feelings with the Christians before they expelled you?
It depends, for example, since I have lived in Spain my whole life I have met very different people, I even had Christian friends but there were also people that made fun of my faith or despised me just by looking at me, it was really uncomfortable.
I felt dissapointed as they were my neighbours and they had lived with me for many years. They repeated that it was impossible for us to become ``good and faithful´´ and the previous months before the ejection the tension was notorious.

6-Did you asumed Christianism? 
That´s a very difficult question, well, I could say that I asumed it completely but it wouldn´t be true. Instead, I´m  going to say the reality for most of us: we openly adapted to Christianism and some of us changed our names to others more acceptable (I hate to say that) but in the privacy of our homes we still did some of our muslim traditions.

Resultado de imagen de moriscos

7-What ways the Christian used to expelled you?
Resultado de imagen de campo moriscoFirstly they tried to convert us to Christianism, then they thought they failed and because the didn´t want to admit it, they said we won´t be ever good enough believers. Finally as an excuse they said that we wanted to align with Ottoman forces so they dropped us in North-African beaches.Resultado de imagen de imagenes de la expulsion morisca

8-Where are you going?
My family and I are moving to Morocco where Kamil has some friends that may take in us into their house for an undefined time.
 Resultado de imagen de marruecos mapa          Resultado de imagen de moriscos

9-What do you expect to happen in your way to Morocco?

To be honest, I´m scared, a lot of rumors have passed through me and all were horrible. Moriscs have been robbed, raped or even murdered in their travel by vandals. Some boats have drown in the middle of the sea, killing whole families that still felt Spaniards and didn´t understand the expulsion.
Overall I hope to finish the trip with my children and husband but I´m very sad to live the place
where I have always lived by force.

10-How do you feel about the expulsion?
I think Philip has committed a huge mistake and I hope he meditates enough to stop this insane process. I believe the expulsion will bring economic problems for Spain and we all feel upset and terrified, they are expelling us from home!

viernes, 16 de junio de 2017


jueves, 15 de junio de 2017


According to the Spanish Constitution, which is the supreme rule of the legal system, Spain is a social and democratic state of rights that is based on the principles of freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism. Spain is a parlamentary monarchy in which sovereignty relies on the spanish people, from which state powers emanate.

The head of the state is the king (nowdays Felipe VI) who is the highest representation of the spanish state and it is in charge of represent us in international relationships. The crown is inherited from fathers to sons to the firstborn son.

Political organization is divided into legislative power, executive power and judicial power. The executive power is held by the president of the government, whose labor is to manage the political actions with the ministers.

The legislative power is formed by Congreso de los diputados and Senado, it´s main function is the law creation and the goverment control.
The judicial power duty its to judge and execute what has been judged. It is formed by different courts and tribunals under the dependance of the consejo general del poder judicial. El tribunal supremo its the supreme judicial power; there is also the tribunal constitucional in charge of ensure laws and public administrative actions, it is the maximum interpreter of the spanish constitution.

Regarding the organization of territories, the state is divided into municipalities, provinces and autonomous communities. All these bodies have self-goverments in order to achieve their own interests.

Talking about religion, it is recognized as a fundamental right in the constitution to have religious freedom. As a result, Spain is considered as a secular state.


1-Do some research and explain the origin of the North-Korea communist regime.
There are different thoughts about when this kind of regime was firstly created. Some people say it was in 1926 when Kim II-Sung was a teenager that founded the "Down-with-Imperialism Union". It promoted Marxism and Leninism and fighted against Japanese imperialism.
For others, the true foundation is 1949, when South and North Korean Communists finally came together in a coalition that aimed to lead one unified Korea, the North Korea Bureau of the Communist Party of Korea was established. This became the body which rules together.

However, the Korean war started. He began consolidating his power by eliminating those communists with South Korean links - many accused of spying.Then those Russian and Chinese Koreans who were part of the early history of the party were picked off through exile, imprisonment and disappearances.He was slowly becoming more and more important inside his party and it was thank to soviets.

The next step was to ensure his son gained pole position. Kim Jong-il rose to senior party positions in 1973 and 1974, most importantly as head of that all-important Organisation Guidance Department.

Through his senior party positions he elevated a number of his political supporters. He also punished those who dared challenge him such as his step-mother Kim So'ng-a'e who pressed the claims of her son Kim Pyong-il as hereditary successor.

After the death of Kim Il-sung in 1994 and because of the wider social impact of the North Korean famine, known as The Arduous March, the Party became somewhat moribund. But in 2010, Kim Jong-il revived the party as a political institution to  boost the succession of his son Kim Jong-un.

2- Find three recent news about North Korea from digital newspapers and include the links to them

3- What are the main names to the North-Korean leaders mentioned in the documentary? Who is the current leader of the country?

Kim II-Sung, Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-Un, the one who rules nowdays.

4- What are the instruments used by these leaders to mantein the dictatorial regime?
The main instruments used in order to mantein the regime are weapons and different types of punishment, but one of the most powerfull instruments are thoughts.  People has being taught since their childhood a way of living and thinking that cannot be questioned. Thats why people don´t even think about it, they do it in a mechanized way, but, what is about those people who really think about the unreliable information, and the extreme control they are exposed to? well, I think they are too scared even to protest as the have seen a lot of people trying to change the country and becoming dissapeared or in a punishment centre.

5- What is the meaning of the word Gulag? Where does it come from? Is there anything similar in North Korea?                                                                                       It was a term that named the organization that controlled the soviet forced-labor system in which criminals were forced to work in camps. But with time, the word has become to refer the camp itself. There are also camps in Korea where people who have commited a ``crime´´ such as being disrespectfull with the leader have to work and take care of the crops.

6-According to the video, what are the main characteristics of a dictatorship?

In my opinion, the main characteristic of a dictatorship is the lack of freedom. You cannot acceed to certain information, you have to follow a very strict system in which you are considered as a criminal if you break some of the rules. The imposibility of choosing in what you want to work or what you want to study and the extreme control that koreans face. Another characteristic is the protective attitude that leaders have about their country, its relationships with the rest of the goverments and its economy.

7-Compare the life of a north-korean family with your own. In addition, try to describe the life of a north-korean teenager of your same age.

If my family lived in Korea, our life would be very different of what we are used to. My parents are working in something regarded to justice which is something very difficult to imagine as a regular korean family. Moreover I wouldn´t be studying something that I like, I would be wearing the same clothes as every girl of my age and I wouldn´t have the possibility where I would like to study, what I would like to do or even what I would like to think.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017


Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.


jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017


A city can be described as an inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. The city we are going to analyze is located in the Northwest of Spain, near to Portugal, in Castilla y León on the top of the plateau.

The city plan shows an irregular lineal layout characterized by short straight streets, narrow alleyways and low houses.
The medieval city was surrounded by a wall that protected people from attacks which gave them some advantage in what fights are concerned. 
Moreover, we can distinguish some parishes like San Lázaro, the Espíritu Santo or Olivares that were created around the churches. However, as soon as population increased, some neighbourhoods were eventually created.
The main urban functions of the historic centre are commercial and we can also say cultural too. There is a lot of romanesque arte which attracts tourism who can also find shops and restaurants around this area. I think there are not many problems involving this zone since there is neither pollution or extreme noise so I can´t offer any solution.

Zamora has expanded following an industrial and residential purpose. Some of the most representative transformations in this periods are the modernist buildings, found in Santa Clara or the Plaza Mayor among others; some streets changed their lengths and shapes like for example San Torcuato.
Unlike the parragraph above, now I can outline a problem with this streets and it is the difficulty of moving by car because they are too narrow for the vehicles. As a solution, I suggest improving transport access throughout the city centre.

The outskirts of the city include: Siglo XXI, Los Llanos or La Perla throgh the XX century in order to attracts people from villages and worked in the city. We can also see in the map that during this period schools, shopping centres and industrial parks were created. Some of the problems that the outskirts offer is the distance between the city and the shopping centre that difficults the acess to it.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2017


A rural landscape is an area that have been modified by humans to obtein products from nature. This image shows an inland landscape, possibly located at Castilla y León, in the Meseta.

The picture shows a relief characterized by plains divided by roads and paths. The vegetation in this area is scare with some bushes growing by the sides of the paths but there is a lack of trees and excesive vegetation.
Moreover there aren´t any sources of water although there migth be irrigation cannals. According to all these, the climate of this location could be described as mediterranean inland with extreme temperatures, cold winters, hot and dry summers with a rainfall average of 300-400 mm annualy.

The predominant use of the land is for agriculture, and a secondary use of the area could be livestock raising as there is a lot of space available to do this practise. In addition, the landscape shows an openfield pattern which consists on a system for the management of the arable land. Each of them belongs to a different person and they aren´t divided by any type of fence or hedge. They also follow a regular shape and size, and makes the use of bigger machines easier.
We observe that the fields are specialized in dry crops by the color of the land and the climate of the area, it may be grow up  wheat or cereal.

Some of the problems of the rural areas are the lack of services: health, education, communication...
We can also mention the depoblation of rural areas due to the industrialization and opportunities supplied by bigger cities.
Among the measures that can be applied to deal with this deficiencies we can mention the introduction of a school, and a hospital in order to improve education and health, but also introducing new ways of communication such as buses in order to facilitate people moving from one place to another.