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jueves, 14 de junio de 2018
domingo, 10 de junio de 2018
- ¿Qué supuso el Tratado de Fontainebleau (1807)?
Supuso el comienzo de la Guerra de la Independencia ya que en un principio era un tratado que permitía a los franceses cruzar España para conquistar Portugal pero en su lugar, Napoleón aprovechó para establecerse en diferentes zonas de la Península Ibérica con el fin de ocuparla. Perseguía objetivos como el de comercializar con América o la imposición de un bloqueo naval en Cádiz, Barcelona y Lisboa. Los españoles se revelaron comenzando la guerra.
2.¿Qué bandos se enfrentaron en la Guerra de la Independencia (1808-1814)?
Se enfrentaron los franceses contra los españoles.
Acabó siendo también una guerra civil ya que los españoles afrancesados (ilustrados) se dividieron a su vez entre los patriotas y los partidarios de que José I reinara.
3¿Qué dos grupos integraban el bando "patriota"? ¿Qué los caracteriza?
Aunque todos se alzaron en defensa de la patria o la nación, ambos conceptos tenían diferente significados para los españoles, según fuesen absolutistas o liberales: los primeros los asociaban a la continuidad de la monarquía absoluta y los segundos deseaban acabar con ella.
4¿Qué significa la expresión "Viva Fernando y vamos robando"? ¿Qué eran las guerrillas?
Describía el modo de actuación y de vida de los guerrilleros. Las guerrillas eran grupos armados irregulares (partidas) que atacaban por sorpresa al enemigo y se retiraban, amparándose en el control del territorio. Se llegaron a formar 600 partidas contando con 55.000 hombres en 1811.
5.Cuál fue el coste de la ayuda de Gran Bretaña?
Tuvo un coste bastante importante: 5.000 hombres sobre unos 30.000, 155 piezas de artillería, 200.000 mosquetes y 90.000 uniformes. Pero la intervención inglesa también ocultaba intereses puramente económicos, como era el de hacer desaparecer la débil industria textil española que podría ser un mercado prometedor.
6.¿Qué medidas fueron aprobadas por las Cortes de Cádiz de 1810?
Aprobaron la primera Constitución Española que acababa con el absolutismo, aprobaron otras reformas como la abolición del Régimen Señorial y de la Inquisición, y sentaron las bases de un Estado liberal.
La Constitución era democrática, mantenía una soberanía nacional, y un estado monárquico y confesional. Tenían derechos individuales como igualdad jurídica, sufragio (aunque quedaban excluidos ciertos grupos como criados y negros), libertad para la imprenta de libros no religiosos etc.
Apareció la división de poderes en la que el poder legislativo recaía en Las Cortes junto con el rey, el ejecutivo en el rey y sus ministros y el judicial en un tribunal de justicia.
7.¿Qué batallas provocaron el final de la ocupación francesa en España?
La batalla decisiva fue la de Arapiles (1812) que permitió el gran avance de los anglo portugueses, forzando a Napoleón a retroceder. Después la de Vitoria y la de San Marcial (1813), hacen que los franceses queden acorralados en los Pirineos. Al final, Napoleón libera a Fernando VII con el Tratado de Valencay y la guerra termina con la evacuación de las tropas galas (1814).
8.¿Qué consecuencias tuvo la guerra para España?
España dejó de ser una potencia mundial durante el congreso de Viena. La vuelta de Fernando VII abolió la Constitución y trajo de vuelta el absolutismo con el fin de poner todo ¨en orden¨ de nuevo.
En general, la guerra trajo hambre y miseria a todo el pueblo generando un ambiente duro y cruel.
jueves, 19 de abril de 2018
Today we are here to talk with a very special guest, she is a worker and a mother in the middle of the industrial revolution.
1- Hello, my name is Marina and I´m going to be your interviewer today. What is your name?
Hello, my name is Alyssa and I am 35 years old.
2- Tell us something about your immediate family and the family atmosphere.
Well, I live in a very small house with my husband, and my three children. We share our home with another family as long as we don´t earn enough money to have an individual one. Our whole neighbourhood is overcrowded, it is located all around a metallurgy factory where we work.
3- What are your work conditions like?
Well, to be honest, they aren´t very good. We work way more hours that what we can put up with, about 12 or 14 every day. We just have half an hour to eat and accidents are not backed up by the factory owner, I don´t have any permission for maternity or illness.
4- How long have you been working here?
Approximately for 20 years, since I was 15. During this period I have seen a lot of things, we feel used and because of the extreme poverty we have been through a lot of epidemics, there is a lot of contamination in rivers, a lot of kids die from malnutrition. Fortunately I had the opportunity to grow up three beautiful boys but not everybody have had the same luck.
5- How much do you earn per month?
I earn less than my husband and my oldest son. The gap between men and women is huge although none of them are good enough for decent living.
6- What about the work atmosphere?
I have been hearing things lately about something called `Luddism´. It is made by workers that feel replaced by machines, they are afraid of being fired so they have decided to destroy machines and they don´t allow other workers to enter into the factory.
7- What do you think that are the main causes for this phenomenon to happen?
I think it is because of the creation of new technological devices as the steam engine, which has supposed an enormous change in the industry, and the knitting machine.
8-What about your oldest son?
My oldest son, Benjamin aged 18, has been revolting lately against bourgeoisie. He has become anarchist and believes in Marx ideologies of worker movements and economy in general. He wants to go to different demonstrations and is tired of the factory owner tyranny, like everybody else, I suppose.
9- How does your youngest son feel like?
Well, he is a little bit scared when we work at night, he feels uncomfortable in the dark. There are days that it seems he is going to fall asleep during work, they sleep much less that what they should. It´s is very sad to see him, and his older brother, they are 9 and 14, in those conditions.
10- What vision do you have of the industrial bourgeoisie?
They have no sensitivity about our situation, they live in houses that seem palaces while we are all together in overcrowded streets, facing eternal working days, earning almost nothing to enrich already wealthy people. I think it is just unfair.
11- What do you expect from the future?
I believe the situation is bound to change, I think I will live all my working useful life in this situation but I hope my children don´t. The industry may develop into a more stable situation but it´ll take time until bourgeoisie realize how cruel they have been. Or may be I am just too optimist.
I hope this all gets better, anyways that´s all, thanks for your time and your sincerity.
1- Hello, my name is Marina and I´m going to be your interviewer today. What is your name?
Hello, my name is Alyssa and I am 35 years old.
2- Tell us something about your immediate family and the family atmosphere.
Well, I live in a very small house with my husband, and my three children. We share our home with another family as long as we don´t earn enough money to have an individual one. Our whole neighbourhood is overcrowded, it is located all around a metallurgy factory where we work.
3- What are your work conditions like?
Well, to be honest, they aren´t very good. We work way more hours that what we can put up with, about 12 or 14 every day. We just have half an hour to eat and accidents are not backed up by the factory owner, I don´t have any permission for maternity or illness.
4- How long have you been working here?
Approximately for 20 years, since I was 15. During this period I have seen a lot of things, we feel used and because of the extreme poverty we have been through a lot of epidemics, there is a lot of contamination in rivers, a lot of kids die from malnutrition. Fortunately I had the opportunity to grow up three beautiful boys but not everybody have had the same luck.
5- How much do you earn per month?
I earn less than my husband and my oldest son. The gap between men and women is huge although none of them are good enough for decent living.
6- What about the work atmosphere?
I have been hearing things lately about something called `Luddism´. It is made by workers that feel replaced by machines, they are afraid of being fired so they have decided to destroy machines and they don´t allow other workers to enter into the factory.
7- What do you think that are the main causes for this phenomenon to happen?
I think it is because of the creation of new technological devices as the steam engine, which has supposed an enormous change in the industry, and the knitting machine.
8-What about your oldest son?
My oldest son, Benjamin aged 18, has been revolting lately against bourgeoisie. He has become anarchist and believes in Marx ideologies of worker movements and economy in general. He wants to go to different demonstrations and is tired of the factory owner tyranny, like everybody else, I suppose.
9- How does your youngest son feel like?
Well, he is a little bit scared when we work at night, he feels uncomfortable in the dark. There are days that it seems he is going to fall asleep during work, they sleep much less that what they should. It´s is very sad to see him, and his older brother, they are 9 and 14, in those conditions.
10- What vision do you have of the industrial bourgeoisie?
They have no sensitivity about our situation, they live in houses that seem palaces while we are all together in overcrowded streets, facing eternal working days, earning almost nothing to enrich already wealthy people. I think it is just unfair.
11- What do you expect from the future?
I believe the situation is bound to change, I think I will live all my working useful life in this situation but I hope my children don´t. The industry may develop into a more stable situation but it´ll take time until bourgeoisie realize how cruel they have been. Or may be I am just too optimist.
I hope this all gets better, anyways that´s all, thanks for your time and your sincerity.
domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018
jueves, 1 de marzo de 2018
The United States Declaration of the independence is the statement adopted by the Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. It was signed because Americans didn't feel comfortable being part of England and they wanted to achieve freedom and independency from that government.
According to Zinn thoughts, the solution was to find a language specific enough in its listing of grievances to fill people with anger against the British but vage enough to avoid conflicts between classes, moreover it was stirring enough to create a patriotic feeling all of these shown in the right of rebelion and revolution, popular control over governments...
It´s goal was to create a group feeling to gather every social class against a global enemy but upper classes didn´t have real consideration for those who had a lower level, it was just a game of interests.
Contrary to what Bernard Bailyn said, ``it represents colonists biggests fears´´ I think that upper-classes colonists used them as a source for their interests and this is also proved because black slaves, indians, and women were omitted from those united by the Declaration of Independence.
miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018
- What is the movie about? Summarize the plot of the film mentioning the main characters.
The movie tells the story about a group of slaves that are taken from Africa to the United Sates illegally and how they are judged because of the murder of two Spaniards. This film shows us the debate that took place between the ongoing on slavery or free them.
2.What was the Triangular Trade? What nations benefited from it?
Triangular trade is a historical term indicating trade among three ports or regions.
The best-known triangular trading system was the Atlantic slave trade, which lasted from the late 16th to early 19th centuries. During this time, European countries such as Britain, Spain and France had colonies in the Americas and Africa. The ships carrying slaves, crops and manufactured goods between West Africa, the Caribbean and American colonies and the colonial powers in Europe.
3.Do some research and explain the conditions in which slaves were captured and transported from Africa to the Americas.
Some of them hadn´t seen the sea in their whole life and didn´t know what was going on as they didn´t understand their captors language.
They were packed just like if they were logs and many of them died because of the pressure. Men were considered as a threat for the traders so they were all tied with iron chains. Women and children were apart, exposed to all the sexual abuse that came from the captors.
Slaves were fed as animals and the ones who refused were forced to do it. People who died during the voyage were thrown to the sea and those who felt sick were killed.
Hygiene was nonexistent and there was an awful smell because they hadn´t a place to relieve themselves and as a result there was a lot of possibilities to die from a disease.
4.What enlightened ideas appear in the movie?
We can see a lot of enlightened ideas in the John Quincy Adams argument. The main things are based on freedom and equality and ``The Natural Law´´, which says that God has given to every human being certain rights and they can do anything to achieve that state. Moreover, following that right of equality he also argues that there is no difference for God between black and white.
5.Who was Joseph Cinqué? Did he really existed?
Joseph Cinqué was originally called Sengbe Pieh and lived in Sierra Leona. He worked as a farmer and was captured and illegally sold to portuguese traders. He was the starter of the revolt in the ship and he also returned back to his homeland after the judgement, there is no much information about his later life.
6.What is the role of John Quincy Adams, former US President, in the movie?
In the movie, former President John Quincy Adams begins to argue the Amistad case in front of the U.S Supreme Court. He was the son of America´s second president, founding father and avowed abolitionist John Adams.
Following the freedom and equality ideas, he defended slaves in a very intense speech knowing it may led in a civil war but arguing that it was worth.
Triangular trade is a historical term indicating trade among three ports or regions.
The best-known triangular trading system was the Atlantic slave trade, which lasted from the late 16th to early 19th centuries. During this time, European countries such as Britain, Spain and France had colonies in the Americas and Africa. The ships carrying slaves, crops and manufactured goods between West Africa, the Caribbean and American colonies and the colonial powers in Europe.
3.Do some research and explain the conditions in which slaves were captured and transported from Africa to the Americas.
Some of them hadn´t seen the sea in their whole life and didn´t know what was going on as they didn´t understand their captors language.
They were packed just like if they were logs and many of them died because of the pressure. Men were considered as a threat for the traders so they were all tied with iron chains. Women and children were apart, exposed to all the sexual abuse that came from the captors.
Slaves were fed as animals and the ones who refused were forced to do it. People who died during the voyage were thrown to the sea and those who felt sick were killed.
Hygiene was nonexistent and there was an awful smell because they hadn´t a place to relieve themselves and as a result there was a lot of possibilities to die from a disease.
4.What enlightened ideas appear in the movie?
We can see a lot of enlightened ideas in the John Quincy Adams argument. The main things are based on freedom and equality and ``The Natural Law´´, which says that God has given to every human being certain rights and they can do anything to achieve that state. Moreover, following that right of equality he also argues that there is no difference for God between black and white.
5.Who was Joseph Cinqué? Did he really existed?
Joseph Cinqué was originally called Sengbe Pieh and lived in Sierra Leona. He worked as a farmer and was captured and illegally sold to portuguese traders. He was the starter of the revolt in the ship and he also returned back to his homeland after the judgement, there is no much information about his later life.
6.What is the role of John Quincy Adams, former US President, in the movie?
In the movie, former President John Quincy Adams begins to argue the Amistad case in front of the U.S Supreme Court. He was the son of America´s second president, founding father and avowed abolitionist John Adams.
Following the freedom and equality ideas, he defended slaves in a very intense speech knowing it may led in a civil war but arguing that it was worth.
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